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Chicago Mass Choir - Tell Jesus
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Tell Jesus by Chicago Mass Choir



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Chicago Mass Choir - Tell Jesus


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Tell Jesus by Chicago Mass Choir

**Sop/Alto: Tell - Jesus
Chorus: All___of your trou - bles,_____
When you’re go___ing through ______
And you need someone to comfort you____________
And you don’t understand__________

Chorus: And you need_ a helping hand______________
When your storm keeps raging
And you build your safe house____________________
Chorus: Tell___, Tell, Jesus______
Tell___, Tell Jesus_______
Tell___, Tell Jesus_______
Tell Him, All__________________________________
Solo: Mm__, when you’re burned down___ he’ll be a______
Chorus: Burden Bearer
Solo: And___ when, when you’re load is heavy he’ll be a______
Chorus: Heavy Load Sharer
Solo: And when your heart_______is broken he’ll be a
Chorus: Heart__fixer
Solo: And when you’re confused in your mind, when you’re confused in your mind he’ll be a
Chorus: Mind Regulator
Solo: Oh_, when, when, when you’re friendless and don’t have a friend you can go to Jesus
Chorus: Constant Friend
Solo: Oh__when you’re going through and you don’t have nobody else to turn to he’ll go with ya
Chorus: Thick and Thin
Solo: And even when, and even when, and even when, you’re all_ alone he’ll always be there
Chorus: Comforting Keeper
Solo: And no matter, no matter what, no matter what, no__ matter what____
Chorus: Always be there

Solo: Oh he’ll be a burden bearer
Chorus: Burden Bearer
Solo: Heavy Load Sharer
Chorus: Heavy Load Sharer
Solo: Heart Fixer
Chorus: Heart___ Fixer
Solo: Mind Regulator
Chorus: Mind Regulator

Solo: Oh yes he will – he’ll be there
Chorus: Constant friend
Soloist: Yes he’ll be there
Chorus: Thick and thin
Soloist: Oh______
Chorus: Comforting keeper
Solo: Oh___________
All: Always be there

Solo: I know he’ll be there – through thick and thin
Chorus: Burden Bearer
Solo: Heavy Load
Chorus: Heavy Load Sharer
Solo: Heart Fixer
Chorus: Heart Fixer
Solo: My Mind Regulator
Chorus: Mind Regulator

Solo: Heart fixer
Chorus: Constant friend
Soloist: Oh yes
Chorus: Thick and thin
Soloist: Always be there_
Chorus: Comforting keeper
Chorus: Always be there

Sopranos: Burden Bearer
Solo: He’ll be a heavy load sharer
Altos: Heavy Load Sharer
Solo: He’ll be there through thick and thin
Tenors: Heart Fixer
Solo: Oh yes he will, oh yes he will
Chorus: Mind Regulator
Tenor: Constant Friend
Soloist: You can Jesus all
Alto: Thick and Thin
Soloist: Tell him all
Sopranos: Comforting Keeper
Soloist: Oh yell, oh yell
Chorus: Always be there
Solo: Burden Bearer
Chorus: Burden Bearer
Solo: Heavy Load Sharer
Chorus: Heavy Load Sharer
Solo: Heart Fixer
Chorus: Heart___ Fixer
Solo: Yell__
Chorus: Mind Regulator
Solo: Burden Bearer
Chorus: Constant friend
Soloist: Always be there
Chorus: Thick and thin
Soloist: Always be there ______
Chorus: Comforting keeper
Solo: Oh_yell I know__________
All: Always be there
Solo: When you’re going through you can tell Jesus, tell Jesus_____________
Chorus: Tell____tell Jesus__________
Solo: Oh_______, tell Jesus, tell Jesus
Chorus: Tell Jesus, tell Jesus_____________
Solo: I know you can, I know you can, tell Jesus
1. *Sopranos: Tell__________
**Tenor: Tell___________
***Altos: Tell ___________ Solo: Tell Jesus
Chorus: Tell Jesus_______
Chorus Tell him__________

2. *Sopranos: Tell____________
**Tenor: Tell ____________ Solo: Oh yell, yell ________
***Altos: Tell_______________
Chorus: Tell Jesus__________
Chorus Tell him_________

3.*Sopranos: Tell____________
**Tenor: Tell____________
***Altos: Tell __________ Soloist: Tell the Lord, Tell Jesus
Chorus: Tell Jesus______________
Chorus Tell Him_________
1. *Sopranos: Tell_____________
**Tenor: Tell____________
***Altos: Tell_ _______
Solo: Tell Jesus, yes you can
Chorus: Tell Jesus_______
Chorus Tell him_______________

2. *Sopranos: Tell____________
**Tenor: Tell__________________
***Altos: Tell ___________________________
Solo: Tell Jesus, Tell, Jesus, Tell Jesus, Tell yes you can
Chorus: Tell Jesus
Chorus Tell__________ him ____________
Soprano Solo: All!!!!_______________
Chorus: All!!!! _____________Thank you for visiting AllGospelLyrics.com!

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