Don't you know it's not enough to sit around Don't you know the time has come to get it on Don't you know the benefits you will receive my friend In the long run will depend on what you give
Don't you know how patient God has been Don't you know He's waiting for our love to grow Don't you know He wants for you to come into His rest And to pass each little test and be a man
Don't you know His heart is waiting Patiently anticipating The day when you'll begin to become sure Don't you know He wants His small ones To become His strong and tall ones God wants all His children to mature And start to live the kind of lives which give Him pleasure He desires to give us blessings without measure But we'll never find the fullness of the treasure no, no, no Less we take our cross and bear it like a man
Don't you know He's disappointed When you just become acquainted Then you turn your back and go your way