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If there’s a problem that you can not solve and The more you try - you get deeper involved if in your mind there is no peace - And you want to put your mind at ease here’s the solution and what you should do - get on your knees and pray til you get through You just pray (Pray) Pray (Pray) (All) Until something happens that’s what you’ve got to do (repeat)
Prayer is the keys to the kingdom, your faith unlocks the door If you pray and nothing has happened, then you might need to pray you some more, Just Pray to the father, Jesus the son The Holy Ghost will show you how prayer should be done You just pray (Pray) Pray (Pray) (All) Until something happens that’s what you’ve got to do (repeat)
Heyyy you just pray (Pray until something happens) x 4
(Drive )Pray (Pray) Pray (Pray) Pray (Pray) Pray (Pray)
Pray in the morning, m pray in the evening, For the good for the bad, pray when you’re your happy, Pray when you’re sad, oh pray x4 Pray to the father, pray to the son, Pray to the Holy Ghost, they all make one, pray, pray, pray our father in heaven, holy is your name Pray
You just pray, (Pray) Pray (Pray) until something happens x 2 That’s what you need to do. (Drive) Heyyy you just pray (Pray until something happens) Pray pray pray pray pray Thank you for visiting AllGospelLyrics.com! |