Lyrics |
| Phil Tarver - Better Thsn That
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What can I say, about your mercy What can I say, about your grace All that I know is that you've been faithful One thing that I know, is that I love to call your name
What can I say, about your mercy What can I say, about your grace All that I know is that you've been faithful One things for sure, is that I love to call your name
If I say your good, you've been better than that If I say your great, you've been greater than that. If I say your sweet, you've been sweeter than that. You've been more and more in my life.
If I say your rich, you've been richer than that If I say your strong, you've been stronger than that. If I say your Holy, you are more than that you've been more and more in my life
Help me say shu do do do do do-shu do do do He'll make you wanna say shu do do do do do shu do do do
What can I say, about your mercy What can I say, about your grace All that I know is that you've been faithful One things for sure, is that I love to call your name
(Follow the lead and adlib as directed)
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