Chorus: Heaven or Hell It's up to you You're volition What will you do Made up in my mind Decision's not hard As for me and my house As for me and my house As for me and my house We'll serve the Lord
Verse 1: There's a special place prepared for us So get your house in order For He's coming soon As for me and my house We'll serve the Lord
Verse 2: Truly amazing how much You love me So I'll be ready when You Come back for me As for me and my house We'll serve the Lord
Yes I'm going to Heaven Heaven Yes I'm going to Heaven Heaven Yes I'm going to Heaven Where the streets are paved with gold, Heaven Where we'll never grow old, Heaven Where there will be no doubt, Heaven Where we'll scream and shout, Heaven A special place prepared for me, Heaven Ohhhh Heaven That's where I know I'll be, Heaven Yes I'm going to Heaven (repeat)